창의문화, 예술과 관객의 아름다운 소통!
미래는 문화와 예술이 산업화 되는 시대
서울사이버대학 문화예술경영학과는 문화의 산업시대를 맞이하여 우리나라 예술계를 이끌어 나갈 미래의 문화예술 CEO, 제작자, 기획자를 양성하여 독창적이고 창의적 문화예술 진흥과 창조산업의 전문 인력을 양성하고자 한다.
Andrey Scherbak 교수
주요경력 |
Higher School of Management of the Russian Institute of Theater Arts |
담당과목 |
교수진소개 상세보기이며 학력, 경력, 주요연구실적, 담당교과목을 나타내는 표입니다.
학력 |
Higher School of Management of the Russian Institute of Theater Arts |
경력 |
-Professional Manager and Organizer -Promoter of international relations between the Republic of Korea and Russia through cultural development projects |
주요연구실적 |
*경력 -Organizer since the 1970’s of regular concerts/presentations of the debut works of musicians, actors, poets, architects, journalists and others -In 1990, organized the first non-profit organization in Russia, the Association of Tchaikovsky Competition Stars, uniting musicians from around the world -Created numerous organizations including the Russian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Russian Symphony Orchestra and the Virtuosi of Russia Chamber Orchestra -Created non-profit organizations, such as the Tchaikovsky Foundation, the Tchaikovsky Society and the Musical Elite Newspaper -Educational projects include the innovative instrument Yamaha Disklavier, the "Music Bible" and others -In 2009, organized for the "International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians” to be held in Suwon, Korea -Promoter of distance music education in cooperation with Seoul Cyber University -Promoter of scientific projects in cooperation with the Russian Gnesins Academy of Music, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Tchaikovsky State House-Museum
*수상경력 -Numerous grants awarded by the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Government and the Ministry of Education -Honoured Worker of the Arts Industry of the Russian Federation -Candidate of Sciences -Associate Professor’s Degree -Many medals from the Russian Federation -Letters of acknowledgment from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation |
담당교과목 |
상기 콘텐츠 담당부서 교무팀 (Tel : 02-944-5224)